Civ 5 venice guide @378@

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    Venice’s unique ability makes it an exceptional civilization when compared to all the others – so exceptional, in fact, that it almost deserves a dedicated strategy
    29 Jul 2013 5. civs will try to conquer you, but you have to have a ton of allies. Build up friendships with nearby civs and city states, so that the enemy is only
    24 Dec 2013 No other Civ plays like Venice. race as puppets generate 25% less science than normal cities and still add 5% to the cost of technologies.
    What are the best settings to win a game of civilization V on Deity difficulty? .. By the way, the strategy with Venice is buy all the city-states loyalty and win28 Jan 2016
    It looks like its incredibly easy to fail with them. If you read this signature, then that meant that I had control of what you read for 5 SECONDS!!
    A Guide to the Venetian Civilization in Civ 5, led by Enrico Dandalo. The Merchant of Venice is like the Great Merchant, but gets double City-State Influence
    15 May 2014 The penultimate entry in my series of strategy posts about Brave New World’s Venice doesn’t expand like a traditional civ in Brave New World; instead, It’s not uncommon to be able to afford a new unit every 3 to 5 turns.
    General Guide. ))This strategy and Venice as a civ are all about gold. . You should aim for 3-5 through out the course of the game. -The two
    29 Aug 2014

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