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I’m Cath and I play the strings class, lol jk xD I mean Warbow. btw I’m also a a lot of pweple who play bows, so I wanted to share my build nyan!
I’m a new player and I have absolutely no idea what im doing, having somewhat of a guide would be really helpful!
4 May 2014 Bards are the “main” healing class of Aura Kingdom, they are meant to be tanky but less tanky compared to guardians. They are meant to
Ranger (also known as Warbow) is a range class who wields the Battle Bow Call upon the favor of the Winds to rejuvenate yourself and guide your bow. . Showcase Aura Kingdom Ranger Bard (War Bow Harp) – Skills & Combo Gameplay.11 Nov 2014 even on the aeria forums there is no guide for warbowno idea how to build em stat wise the talent tree thing wise or what secondary class to
Aura Kingdom Warbow Guide by azuryu_tennos Hi everyone, I’m YasuriNanami, currently a Warbow/Bard in Hydra. Since most of the guide on warbow are
Below is a quick index of the different sections for this guide. Please check the rest of our Aura Kingdom guides if you have found this guide helpful. Warbow
12 Apr 2014 Myanya’s Ultimate Guide to Warbow/Harp Nowadays Warbow is a rare sight in parties, they are mostly replaced
16 Jul 2017
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